Galerie Francesca Pia
Limmatstrasse 270
CH-8005 Zürich, Switzerland
+41 44 271 24 44
info @

Opening hours:
Tuesday–Friday 11 am – 6 pm
Saturday 11 am – 5 pm

Gallery summer break:
July 19 – August 12, 2024

Contemporary Art Library


The gallery was founded in Bern in 1990, and relocated to Zurich in 2007.


Francesca Pia, Owner
Leo Lencsés, Director
Carmen Tobler, Exhibition Manager & Press
Gaby Leuenberger, Finance & Administration, Registrar
Isabelle Morton, Assistant Registrar
Ophélie Napoli, Intern

No content may be taken from the site without written consent from the gallery.
Please kindly note that we do not accept unsolicited material. Artists’ portfolios will not be returned.

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